Saturday, 20 February 2016

Honeydew – a week later

Seems my honeydew "angpow" pack had been left in the drawer for a little bit too long. When i checked, the sprouts already measured about 3 inch. That's how easy it is to sprout honeydew seeds in paper towel, all the seeds made it through, and i guess 3-4 days should be enough next time.

The baby honeydews closely resemble bean-sprouts, looked really fragile. I had to carefully transplant them as some already showing leaves and growing very fine roots, that i just tear off the paper towel and bury them altogether under the soil. I don't even know if this is the right way doing it!

After five days i've got a full tray of healthy honeydew seedlings. Light spray and watering from bottom seem to work (i had the soil at the center like an island on a tray, so just pour water from the sides).

Honeydew cheers! :)

My fat pack of ang-pow :)

Sprouting happily. That's 24 hours on soil

(left) after 48 hours (right) after 5 days!

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