Thursday, 11 February 2016

Under the shades

My parents lawn consists of wonderful, various sizes of foliage. The same month that i had finally moved all my stuff here and eager to start gardening activities again, El Nino sets it. That certainly didn't help, with most of the plants being somewhat abandoned weeks after moving, some withered due to very hot temperature and no rain.

Except that i've noticed that our potted herbs and plants outside the kitchen are progressively showing new signs of life. Miracle! no. I found that my husband have been showering those pots daily with rice-water (water leftovers after rinsing the rice prior to cooking).

Here's my Belalai Gajah (Sabah Snake Grass) plants, they were just skinny and sticks before, now abundant with leaves.

Left: Early this week, they started growing new leaves. Right: Now a week after
A greater surprise, my curry tree was only holding on to its last leaves when i noticed new buds coming out.

New buds

the week after we can see the buds were all thriving. And look at them now growing  so well...

Papaya, another skinny chance. Now showing new leaf after leaf..

Growing new leaf each time i checked

With that i am officially content :)

Next post i shall write about our cactus garden we have just by the gate. The succulents came from Cameron Highlands. We can get them with more or less same price here in the "lowlands", with limited options available tho.. Til next time..

Succulents corner...

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